Chaz Dudley Chaz Dudley

Embracing Kava: The Rising Star in Social Beverages

Kava transcends a simple beverage—it fosters a sense of community by creating a tranquil space where individuals come together, connect, and unwind, promoting a shared experience of relaxation and social harmony.

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  • Consuming kava can produce a calming and relaxing effect. It may reduce anxiety, promote a sense of well-being, and induce mild euphoria. The active compounds in kava, called kavalactones, interact with the brain to create these soothing effects.

  • Drinking kava can make your mouth tingle because of compounds called kavalactones found in the kava root. These compounds interact with nerve endings in your mouth, causing a numbing or tingling sensation. This is a natural reaction and is part of the kava-drinking experience.

  • A portion of every can purchased goes straight to the bees. We choose organizations based on their mission, impact, transparency ratings, and achievements.

  • Kava and kratom are both natural substances that people use for relaxation or pain relief, but they are different in their origins, effects, and active compounds. Kava, made from the root of the kava plant, provides a calming and anxiety-reducing effect. Kratom, derived from the leaves of the kratom tree, can offer stimulant or pain-relieving effects depending on the strain and amount consumed. Kratom is considered riskier than kava because its use is associated with potential dependence, kava is not known to be addictive.